Civilian means of communication simulator


A platform for learning remote operation and programming of civil radio communication means (DMR, PMR, Tetra, etc.).


  • the ability to work remotely using a web browser;
  • the ability to simulate the basic types of means of communication equipped with the civil services of the Republic of Poland (police, fire brigade, medical rescue, border guards, prison service, etc.), including VHF/UHF radios (analogue-digital) Motorola, Hytera, DMR system, Kenwood system PMR, ICOM system IDAS, Airbus/Cassidian Tetra system;
  • the ability to practice in multi-person groups (up to 50 people);
  • the ability to conduct training scenarios with an initial assessment;
  • the possibility of conducting exercises supporting the cooperation of various services and units using commonly available civilian equipment in various geopolitical conditions;
  • the possibility of conducting tests/exams to check the knowledge of the trainees;
  • the possibility of establishing “radio communication” via the Internet in relations “each with everyone” both through the applications of the simulated radio station, as well as the possibility of cooperation with applications of simulated radio stations of other types;
  • the ability to establish radio communication between radios of the same standards and after proper settings of simulated devices in accordance with the capabilities of the simulation platform;
  • simulation of programming interfaces of the above-mentioned simulated radio stations (programming channels, groups, identifiers, scanning groups, encryption parameters, etc.);
  • integration with the e-learning platform;
  • exercises on the interoperability of devices from different manufacturers in different standards (DMR/dPMR, encryption, digital pseudo-streaming, DMR Tier III, etc.);
  • radio planning exercises (range calculation, location selection, etc.);
  • exercises in the construction of inverter systems (including portable ones);
  • exercises on the interoperability of different systems operating in different telecommunications standards (i.e. GSM <-> DMR/dPMR <-> PBX , etc.);
  • exercises in the field of transmission and monitoring of GPS positions, also with the use of beacons in enclosed spaces (i.e. warehouses, etc.);
  • a package of trainings carried out by instructors with experience in creating the most advanced radio systems (i.e. nationwide radio systems, radio systems at the voivodship level for all uniformed services);
  • exercises in the methods of connecting radio equipment in order to create simple inverter systems, e.g. cross-link radio stations , etc.;
  • exercises in the field of creating IP networks based on radios / networks of converters for data transmission;
  • Reflected Radio Programming Interface (CPS);
  • Possibility to configure channels, stref for channels;
  • Configuration of encryption keys;
  • Setting the basic parameters on the radio, i.e. name, radio id, transmitting power;
  • Gps configuration;
  • Configuration of Analog and Digital Channels;
  • Creating  individual and group calls;
  • Loading configurations from a radio station;
  • Saving the configuration to the radio station;
  • Saving the radio configuration to a file;
  • Setting a password to read the configuration from the radio;
  • Use of the radio on the basis of the entered configuration;
  • Emergency configuration;
  • Scanning configuration;
  • Configuration of “man down” function;
  • Configuration in radio converters of slots and ports;
  • Configuration of squelch levels;
  • Button configuration;
  • IP / CAI / ID / RRS network configuration;
  • Create a contact list;
  • Imaging of a physical device;
  • Reflection of settings in the radio menu;
  • Communication in digital and analog mode;
  • Calling individual calls, group calls, to everyone;
  • Reception of radio calls;
  • Channel changes, zone selection;
  • Use of digital features such as sending messages;
  • Range check;
  • Blocking the radio station;
  •  Eavesdropping on another radio station;
  • Simulating sending GPS and beacon positions;
  • Simulate radio interference;
  • Simulate “No Coverage”;
  • Volume control;
  • Reflection of current radio settings;
  • Sending alarms (emergency);
  • Simulating the replacement of batteries and connection of the antenna, programmer cable and accessories;
  • Simulation of radio communication via radio converters;
  • Simulating radio communication based on simulated terrain;
  • Using the scanning function;
  • Receiving GPS positions from mobile stations of the system;
  • Communication between radios of different manufacturers while meeting the standards;
  • Using the “man down” function;
  • Remote locking of the radio;
  • Contact list;
  • Simulation of transmitting power.
  • Teacher panel: display simulated GPS positions;
  • Map using map underlays from open street maps, many layers;
  • Ability to simulate interference for a selected radio, e.g. specifying a zone with no coverage;
  • Defining areas with rule support;
  • Presentation of reception and broadcasting by simulated radio stations.
  • Information on the parameters of simulated radio stations participating in the training